Tuesday, August 22, 2006

A long awaited blog...........

HI from the highlands of Scotland. We must apologise for the delay in our blogs..........well.....ummm......we've been busy! No really!! We have been caught up in the terrorist sting in london which put major delays on our first day off in AGES! so after they cancelled our flight we trained down the beautiful east coast of mother england for 5 hours. Oh what delicious curves and deep coves that wicked wench has. Once in Londontown we caught up with some good friends Sarah and Richard. New Zealand strays who have taken a liking to the ways of the brits. London is Cool! you can see why so many Nzer's go there to live and party and Shop! Sarah and richard treated us to the most expensive dinner these two K1w1's have ever had, yes Daniel and Lucas more than Arnie Mortons......lots more, we dined in Chelsea at 8 over 8 and our final bill for the evening was...................£400!! yes $1200 nz pingers......... but not to worry the accountant it's all covered under the entertaining expenses column...................nah just kidding richards the boss...............so it was on the house! Next was back to France, well actually Barcelona. After a 12 hours travelling day (english airports and queing at its worst) we reach St maximin, unpack, repack and sleep for 4 hours and then jumped a 5 hours train to barcelona for the night. Oh how jake was excited..............zzzzzz. Barcelona is a very cool town infact we all like it more than paris, jake shopped and we followed til there was nothing left but to drink ourselves a couple of jugs of sangria and go clubbing in a latin bar! Next morning was a bit iffy for our open air bus tour but there's nothing like cold rain in the face to sting a hangover out of your system although Jake slept through it!? Returned back to france where it rained and flooded the tiny village for 3 straight days( seriously it really flooded it) There is nothing like get home from a 5 hour train ride, maybe 9 hours sleep in 48 hours, driving 1 hour through the heaviest rain ever then to sweep tons of water out of a flooding house for maybe 3 hours.hehe. it was quite fun really. 300 days of sunshine!!!! but when it rains.....my god...maybe the french do "do it better"? With a goodbye soiree for jake (60 people) some good food and goodbyes jake was on his way. Of course tho...........jake had changed his train ticket to a 0700 departure. We were flying at 1345. This meant another very early, very long day of travel being that jakes train was about 1 hour in one direction and our plane was about 3 hours in the other. Once we arrived in Gatwick airport (london) The Queing was still unbelievable. not only were there about 200 people in every line but there were no signs. No one knew where to go. So after a frantic 5 hours of queing, requeing, running, waiting and then more queing half the passengers of the plane made it 30mins late. 2100 we arrive in edinburgh (remember 0530 start in france) we unpack, repack and with a short sleep we jumped on another 4 hour train to the beautiful Inverness. Arriving and finding the hostel was easy with many locals helping and requesting we join them for a thai curry and a beer, our evenings entertainment was set........well the thai was closed and our new "friends" were then very drunk.....Marina's stickablity was failling and we made a wobbly retreat to a steakhouse for dinner..we had fish! OK with a fairly good sleep we were up and about by 0730....well we were, Marina was somewhere in the realms of deep sleep. So philippa had to check the nets and made sure the harpoon was secure before we set off to reveal the true mystery around Loch Ness's monster.......we boarded a tourist vessel disguised as tourists and made our way through the dark murky waters of the Ness (dark because of peat? who would have known.......Philippa did! on this trip i have come to realise that Philippas brain is a Vault of Information.......a genuis i say....... while she can't remember where she put the keys. she seems to know facts about everything else.I mean anything and everything.) we approached a ruined Castle. "AH" we thought "A good look out for the Monster". Fortunately for ness wondering around the ruins took up all our time and energy so she lives another day...........but we believe there is work in the isle of skye for rat trappers so we think we can make our fame and fortune there.....Marina Has left for Edinburgh and we have 4 days off. With the help of a really small car we are going to conquer the north of Scotland in nothing but shorts and T-shirts........philippas idea. As for right now the pints are pouring and the scotch is tickling the cockles (philippa doesn't think she has cockles......see, she doesn't know everything)hehe.We have under 2 weeks to go. Hopefully we can fit another blog in sometime. Now off to train for the whiskey drinking champs of the highlands. Oc i !!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey you to love birds. It was wonderful to hear from you this morning. Can't wait to you get back.

Luv you both
Mum and Dad Crothers.hehe

25 August, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trud said....

Sounds like you guys are having a Fantastic time... lucky buggers!
Wow you will be home soon, the time has gone really fast, can't wait to catch up with you.
Take care
T xx

04 September, 2006  

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