Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Bonny wee Hills of Scotland!!!!

As the bag pipes echo off the anicent walls and the suns last rays sink into the shadows of every lane and close. Two kiwi's wander the streets in search of a common goal. A goal which has been held by every fellow kiwi comrade who has walked these streets of blood shed and barbaric history. A common goal......................HAGGIS, NEEPS, TATTIES and BEER..............there's so much BEER!!!! We have made it to the mighty town of Edinburgh! well actually Philippa has been here for almost a week, i think her hair is slowly turning ginger................. It is a great town. The history here is crazy. Every corner seems to hold a ghost or a alter where thousands were hung. With an amazing Castle, my first castle ever wohoo!, in the middle of town the cityscape is awesome. Marina, victim, has arrived and seems to be settling in nicely. She's a very cool lady and is keen for a good time. We a based around the "Guilded Balloon" which is part of the Edinburgh Fringe Fest. It hosts one of the worlds most highly rated Comedy festivials. This is going to be cool. Turkey is all finished, packed away and ready for the cutting board. Well better run, I think someone just screamed "FREEDOM" and then there was a sound of an sure!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right then, you're there. Make sure you run across the meadows, as seen in trainspotting. Across there is a really cool suberb, Marchmont i think it's calledd. Make sure you go to Fringe Sunday, it's really cool and you'll get loads of pix mad people trying to sell their shows - maybe you've already done that.
Yay say hello to the old town for me. Make sure you have a night where you get really pissed and get a curry on the way home. Please eat a Balti Curry for me....
Lots of cool things happening here, gig went really well.

29 July, 2006  

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