Monday, June 05, 2006

Welcome one and all!!

Welcome all visitors!
Hello to you all, We're glad you made it to our first, of many(hopefully), travelling blogs. We haven't actually left yet, in fact it is still 5 days before we leave. With the amount of preparation we still need to do there's a feeling of urgency like were hopping on a plane tomorrow. As most of you know we are about to embark of a 3 month journey into the deepest darkest corners of europe. ......well it'll probably be quite sunny and hot enough to secure a perfect tan while being paid to follow someone else's travel experiences. We hope to update this blog as a journal for you all to read about our highs, lows and crazy random writing which posess absolutely no relevent infomation except to serve the purpose of not having to write a long and boring bulk email which will result in wasting everybody's time and destory all individuality. Clicking the Archive link " June 2006" on the right hand side will give you access to all of junes entries. On the top right hand side of this page is a link to "Sinan Anadol", We are staying with him in turkey and it turns out he is an amazing Photographer, it's worth checking out! So goodbye to you all, we'll chat to you soon and please visit again.
Love to all.

Philippa and Bevan
PS: We also invite you all to the wine loft ( halfway up shortland street) for one last catch up and of course some fine wine.......or beer. friday 9th 6:00pm. Love to see you there.


Blogger Lucas Young said...

Nice work blogging geeks! Dont forget to edit your template and replace those dummy links in the right hand side. We didnt get into the 48 Hour finals but that means we can post the URL to the short film -
Anyway glad to see you've entered the world of geekdom and are fully on the way to being able to understand what a reverse DNS Lookup is!

06 June, 2006  

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