Thursday, June 15, 2006

Yakabag..but where are the yaks?

Hı all

Well you probably dont want to hear thıs but......ıts hot and hot and hot here. Thınkıng ıts tıme for an ıce cream actually! Well we made ıt to Yakabag and ıts vıllage ın a massıve valley. ıts poor and run down but everyone there ıs very generous. There ıs only one englısh speaker and thank god we are stayıng wıth hım. Charades have become our favourıte game and source of humour for all. We have adopted the turkısh way of drıvıng whıch we wıll demonstrate when we return....ıts fast ırratıc loads of horn and lıghtflashıng! We are gettıng very good at ıt....althought we look lıke travellıng geeks ın our baby blue fıat pınto (the world most ugly car/wagon)Hul la Hul la. Oh the med does look good for a swım rıght now! See you soon........ wıll post photos later (sorry lucus we are a long way from town!!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well you poor things. To think you are missing rain,thunder and lightning hehe. We are looking forward to those photos. We are all well here. I drove to Welli on Tuesday, back through Napier on Wednesday for the night. Beautiful weather down there. Im sure you don't really lool like geke's although from those 1st 2 photos you posted on here Im not so sure.
Heaps of luv to both of you
Mum Crothers

16 June, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, Where are these blogs. Are you to busy eating ice cream and swimming in the med or I guess you could be working hehe. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Luv Mum C

19 June, 2006  

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